Glenview School follows the Enviro-schools’ principles and action learning cycle.
As an enviro school we provide a programme that supports young people to be empowered, alongside their whanau and communities, to take meaningful action in their own environment. Through a process of investigation, exploration, planning, consultation and design, tamariki and rangatahi become catalysts for change.
Enviroschools guiding principles are applied across the four key areas of enviroschool life.
Place - wahi
Practices - tikanga
People and Participation - tangata
Programmes - kaupapa
Our challenge is to find topics of study and inquiry that fall into these areas and integrate numeracy, literacy, sciences and other learning opportunities from other curriculum areas.
Aligning inquiry and learning with current council and city environmental developments and issues is a powerful way for our children to have a voice in sharing their perspectives.
It is also a means of making study and work worthwhile and meaningful.
“Te manu kai i te miro-nona te ngahere. Te manu kai i te matauranga -nona te ao”
“The bird who feeds on the miro berry-his is the forest. The bird that devours education-his is the world”.